Do you have foggy windows? This is a sign that the window seals have failed, which can be caused by several factors such as age and/or poor maintenance. However, strong winds can also be the culprit. As a leading installer in quality windows, Renewal by Andersen® of Central Pennsylvania shares more insight:

How Wind Can Affect Your Window Seals
The seals along the glass panes of your windows are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions. However, they can still fail after constant exposure to the elements. How soon they fail will depend on certain factors such as your local climate, the intensity of the wind and even which side your windows are most exposed to where the winds are usually blowing. Strong wind doesn’t just deteriorate window seals; it can also affect the overall performance of a window.
If you have windows that are damaged or near the end of their lifespan, it won’t be hard for a windstorm to break their aging seals and cause fogging. While wind may not be the direct cause of window seal deterioration, it can still accelerate the deterioration rate of your damaged windows, especially if they’re on the older sign. Even if they look intact, they won’t be as energy-efficient as new replacement windows since their seals have already been compromised.
How Do Multi-Pane Windows Work?
Most windows today are multi-paned, which means they’re made with a frame that holds insulated glass (IG) units. These windows consist of two or more layers of glass, with a gas layer between them. While multi-pane windows have better resistance to fogging and frosting than single-pane windows, they’re still subject to natural wear and tear over time.
When you’re looking for reliable double hung windows, our quality products and services at Renewal by Andersen of Central Pennsylvania are the best in the area! Call us today at (717) 929-8610 or fill out our convenient contact form. We serve Harrisburg and surrounding PA areas.